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  • Tom & Jerry (2021)

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The classic shorts

    Hanna Barbera

  • Tom screaming in pain never gets old.

    He's even had all kinds of screams over the years. Ranging from a good old fashioned YEOW!! to the world famous and universal loved AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!

  • "The Two Mouseketeers" deserves a mention, for having one of the most hilariously stone cold endings of any Tom & Jerry short. Jerry and Nibbles are enjoying their spoils of war, eating the food they pilfered from the king's palace, when they discover the king made good on his threat to Tom earlier. For failing to protect his feast from thieves, the king had Tom sentenced to death, and the mice arrive just in time to hear the guillotine drop. Nibbles shakes his head and remarks "Pauvre, pauvre pussycat!", before shrugging his shoulders and adding "C'est la guerre!". At which point, the mice return to eating their food and march off, making it clear they would lose no sleep over causing their enemy's demise. Hot damn.
  • When Spike gets the hiccups in "Hiccup Pup":

    Spike: [hic] Now he's got me doing it! [hic] I'll moider that *hic*ing cat!
    (A moment later, as the pipe that detached from the pressure of Tom's weight falls and causes the dust that cures both Spike and Tyke of their hiccups, Spike is shown to be just sitting there, sulking in defeat.)

  • Another one involving Spike: In "Puttin' on the Dog", Tom wears a dog mask in order to sneak into a pound and capture Jerry. The mask falls off and Jerry carries it off, while Tom cartoonishly hides his head within his body. Spike stares for a while at (what looks like) a severed dog head and a headless body both walking around... then he turns to the camera and Screams Like a Little Girl. Then at the end of the short, Spike corners Tom while Jerry's hiding under the mask. Jerry stands up, lifting the mask off Tom's face. Spike looks at the mask, then Tom's face, then the mask, then Tom's face, until finally, Jerry holds a sign out saying, "Yes, stupid. It's a cat." Then Spike lets out a bull-like bellow before attacking.
  • Also concerning Spike: In "Barbecue Brawl", while he and his son attempt to have a barbecue (amid Tom & Jerry's antics), Spike tosses a salad, which Tom falls into. Cue this exchange:
    • This isn't the first or the last time Tom ruins Spike's attempts at hanging out with his son. Another notable one is the picnic episode where Jerry keeps hiding in the food, and Tom keeps trying to go after him. Since Spike never sees Jerry hide, it just looks to him like Tom is harassing them for no reason. It eventually becomes a moot point as all the picnic food is stolen by ants.
    • At the start cartoon, Spike tries lighting the barbecue with charcoal, but ends up coughing his lungs out when the smoke smothers him. Then he sticks his head out (his eyes red and tearing) to give Tyke a brief monologue about how "good old hickory smoke" is good for flavour, and then, for no reason at all, sticks his head back in and continues coughing.
  • The beginning of "Neapolitan Mouse" has Tom accidentally slamming a door onto Jerry...and Jerry somehow slamming the door right back onto Tom. Later on, there's the bully wolfhound and his cohorts being chased across Naples by precision-guided cheese.
  • The sequence in "Texas Tom" where Tom lip-synchs to "If You're Ever Down in Texas, Look Me Up", but gets thrown for a loop when Jerry messes with the sound speed. He eventually gets the speed back to the right position after hitting Jerry with his guitar.
  • Every single time Tom speaks (barring "Don't You Believe It", for some.)
    • Including this immortal line from "The Million Dollar Cat", where he decides inheriting a million dollars isn't worth having to put up with Jerry.

      Tom: (Pausing from attempting to hit Jerry, holding him by his tail.) "Gee, I'm throwing away a million dollars... BUT I'M HAPPY!" (Resumes attempting to hit Jerry.)

    • Now you set my soul on fire. Eet ees not just a leetle spaahrk, eet ees a flame, a beeg, ROARING flame! I can feel it now...I can feel it burning...burning...Burning...!
      • Hey, something IS burning around here!
    • And again in Cruise Cat when he uses dynamite to flush Jerry out of a booby-hatch, only to get locked down there himself by Jerry:


    • The Bodyguard has Tom, thinking Spike has been distracted, holding Jerry while laughing evilly and proclaiming "IN ME POWER!". Even his whiskers curl up into an evil mustache. A few moments later Tom is distracted, and Spike comes back.
  • There's also Part-Time Pal, where Tom gets drunk and befriends Jerry as both mess with the house. The ultimate laugh-fest is when Tom throws water onto his owner (who is quietly sleeping, no less), making some truly ridiculous sounds in a seeming imitation of speech (listen carefully, it is speech: he's saying "One for the money, *hiccup*, two for the show, *hiccup*, three to make ready, *hiccup* and four to go!"), and the mother of all pursuits ensues. Amazingly hilarious.
  • In The Bowling Alley Cat, Tom tries to blow Jerry out of a bowling ball he's holding. As he grabs Jerry, the bowling ball drops onto his foot. As they then give chase, Jerry stops it, and then stomps on the same foot.
  • In "A Mouse in the House", while Tom and Butch are chasing Jerry while tangled up, Jerry stops them to clobber Butch's foot with a piece of wood, which prompts them to untangle and fly up. When they land, Butch is hopping and clutching Tom's foot while his own is throbbing away. Butch stops for a while to notice this, promptly drops Tom's foot, then grabs his own and resumes hopping in pain.
    • Even better? He lets out Tom's signature scream.
  • "Tee for Two":
    • Tom hits the golf ball with a big smug grin and it bounces off a nearby rock; smashing right through his teeth and causing them to all fall out with a glass shattering sound and a hilariously-defeated look from Tom.
    • Tom attempts to hit a golf ball from between two saplings. Holding the saplings apart from with his legs, he hits the ball, letting the saplings snap back together right on his neck, leaving his detached head floating there with a triumphant expression; after which his headless body runs around the trees to reattach itself, all in the space of a second or two.
    • Jerry tosses a golf ball down and Tom digs a trench. The golf ball breaks open to reveal what looks like a marble, and Tom thinks it's a cute little ball. Instead, it's some kind of explosive.
    • The massive array of golf clubs that are left bent out of shape at the beginning of the episode, some of which are curled around trees. Also, the massive hole Tom digs, trying to get his golf ball out.
    • At the climax, Tom is hiding in a lake from a swarm of bees (it's a long story), using a reed to breathe underwater. Jerry directs the bees towards the reed and puts a funnel on it, complete with a giant "GUESS WHO?" sign. The bees fly down it, right into Tom's mouth. There is silence for a moment, then most of the lake's water is flung into the air as Tom lets out a deafening and hilarious roar of pain (his mouth magnified to absurd levels) with the bees buzzing around inside it.
  • From The Yankee Doodle Mouse, Tom is left right next to a massive stick of dynamite and cowers. The dynamite falls apart, revealing a smaller stick of dynamite. It continues in this vein until a tiny, non-intimidating stick is left. Tom, amused, picks up the minute stick and lets out a hearty chuckle, pointing at it. The stick promptly explodes with the force of the original huge stick (and then some).
  • Old Rockin' Chair Tom:
    • "Thomas, if you're a mouse catcher, then I'm Lana Turner... which I'm not!"
  • Flirty Birdy:
    • Tom uses a Paper-Thin Disguise to entice an eagle who is also after Jerry for eating. It goes horribly right and ends with Tom sitting on a nest of eggs.
    • The tactics that Tom uses on the eagle to try to stop him from chasing him and how Jerry does the same things to Tom.
    • At one point, the eagle grabs Jerry because he thinks it's a female eagle (Tom in disguise) and kisses him. When he realizes what he did, we see Jerry acting all shy and making a motion with his hand as if saying, "Aww shucks..."
    • At another point, Tom, trying to elude the eagle, hides behind a chimney. The eagle comes peeking around, going, "Yoo-hoo!" Tom, hiding out of view and holding a brick in a prone position, bashes the eagle on the head with it. The eagle's reaction: a dazed but rapturous "She loves me!"
    • The eagle using Jerry as a ring. Jerry's reaction to all this is priceless.
    • Tom's disguise includes a party horn as a beak. Ever so often, Jerry (and on one occasion, Tom) blows the horn, which to the eagle sounds like a mating call and the eagle reciprocates with one of his own.
    • Jerry uses the elastic on the party horn to engineer an Accidental Kiss between Tom and the eagle. This backfires when the celebrating eagle drops Jerry, whom Tom catches and stuffs down the front of his dress. Jerry's disbelieving expression when he emerges a moment later says it all.
  • From "Cue Ball Cat":
    • Jerry, using the overhead wires as a makeshift crossbow, fires a billiards bridge right down Tom's throat. The little "ding!" sound just makes it hysterical.
    • And then Tom's appearance afterwards, with the bridge showing through his mouth like buck teeth. Complete with "Duh!" sound.
    • Also from the same cartoon, Tom going to try and catch a ball but instead crashing into a drink machine and the machine spitting him out as a drink bottle.
  • In "Kitty Foiled", the canary Tom is chasing comes across a pistol and points it at his pursuer. Tom's so terrified of being held at gunpoint, that when the bird (who can barely hold the gun himself) momentarily drops it? Tom quickly picks it up and gives it back to him, shaking in fear the entire time. Then, Jerry, seeing what's happening, drops a lightbulb on the floor. The resulting *POP!* of it breaking convinces Tom he's been shot. He immediately goes into psychosomatic death throes.... topped off by grabbing a coin off a nearby table to flip in his hand a la' gangster actor George Raft as he goes down for the "last" time.
  • Jerry running into a wall missing the mouse hole in "Matinee Mouse".
  • "Little School Mouse" is seven minutes of hilarity. The premise, an inversion of the earlier "Professor Tom", is simple enough: Jerry is leading a class on outwitting cats, with Nibbles as his only student. However, he turns out to be a less capable teacher than his framed certificate might suggest...
    • Jerry shows Nibbles a chalkboard drawing of a cat chasing a mouse, catching him, and eating him, then compares it to a second drawing in which the mouse escapes into a hole and the cat, per the caption, "says bad words". He demonstrates with a practice mouse hole and a mechanical cat's paw; when Nibbles tries walking out of the hole, Jerry brings the cat's paw down on his tail, as Tom has done to him in so many cartoons. He then directs Nibbles to take the controls of the cat's paw while he demonstrates the correct technique, but Nibbles gets overenthusiastic and slaps Jerry repeatedly with the mechanical paw. The payoff comes when he sees his flattened teacher under the device; he quickly runs over to Jerry's desk and puts a "CLASS DISMISSED" sign on it, but Jerry grabs him before he can run away and turns him around so that he runs up a stool and sheepishly dons a dunce cap.
    • Jerry decides to set Nibbles three practical tests. The first test involves swiping a whisker from a cat without waking him, which Jerry demonstrates before directing Nibbles to try it himself. Cue Jerry's Oh, Crap! reaction when he notices that Nibbles has managed to drag Tom across the floor by his whisker, and when the two mice bolt for their hole (Nibbles still dragging Tom by his whisker at first), Nibbles accidentally closes the door behind him, locking Jerry outside. Cut to Nibbles looking confused inside while you hear Tom beating the crap out of Jerry outside.
    • The second test involves stealing a piece of cheese from the counter with Tom sleeping underneath. Jerry takes a ridiculously roundabout route to the cheese and almost wakes up Tom when he drops the cheese on his head, but he quickly lulls him back to sleep. Nibbles decides to Take a Third Option by kindly asking a still half-asleep Tom to get the cheese for him, which Tom does.
    • Finally, the third test involves tying a bell around a cat's neck. Unbeknownst to Jerry, Tom is just pretending to sleep while he ties the bell around his neck, and even puts his finger on the knot to help Jerry tie it. Jerry's Delayed "Oh, Crap!" is hysterical, as is his return to the mouse hole with the bell tied around his entire body. As for Nibbles, he simply presents the bell as a gift to Tom, who happily puts it on. He is still wearing it proudly in the final scene, in which Nibbles has taken over as teacher and suggests to Tom and a dunce cap-wearing Jerry that cats and mice should be friends.
  • Tom's double-take in "Tom's Photo Finish", after seeing the incriminating photo Jerry took of him framing Spike for raiding the fridge. He sees it once, then falls asleep... and moments later his head detaches from his body and flies to the other end of the Cinemascope screen. Needs to be seen on widescreen for the full effect.
    • Tom chasing after one of the photos, which has been folded into an airplane, with scissors, trying to cut it in midair. As the plane flies past his master, Tom stops just short of cutting off the master's head. After having already shredded his newspaper. And his robe.
    • At one point Tom stops to taunt Spike out the window only for one of his owners to walk by. He yells at Tom for making funny faces out the window and says that the neighbors will think he's crazy. As he lowers the blinds, they have four of the photos taped to them; the master doesn't see them, but Tom does.
  • Solid Serenade:
    • Tom pulls what he thinks is his girlfriend into a passionate embrace, only to find out he's grabbed Spike the dog by accident. He slowly, delicately goes to put Spike down, but at the last second, drives Spike's head into the ground and runs for it. The funniest part is that Tom doesn't notice he's holding Spike until he sees his girlfriend standing next to him with a "are you kidding me?" look on her face.
    • Tom hides behind a wall with a brick in his hand to hit Spike with. Spike sees the brick from over the wall, so he peeks over it and down at Tom. Tom sees he's been found, stares at Spike for a moment... and hits him with the brick anyway.
    • Tom, once again, tricks Spike into chasing after a plank of wood. Spike falls for it and when he's just about to pick it up, he realizes that he's a total jackass.
    • The penultimate scene has Tom, thinking that Spike has run out, let out an Evil Laugh as Jerry is apparently cornered inside Spike ("KILLER")'s house. Spike and Jerry pop out, salute each other, and then Spike lets out his own Evil Laugh as Spike pops back in. What happens next is obvious.
  • The same gag happens in "Jerry and the Lion" as Tom, realizing Jerry has cornered, lets out an Evil Laugh as he locks the door from the inside. Tom did not realize there is a lion inside.
  • The most brutal yet hilarious scene occurs in Trap Happy. Butch and Tom see Jerry run into a wall that juts out into the room (partition). They begin to lift it slowly with great difficulty. Once they get it up, we see Jerry smiling with a hammer. Jerry smashes Tom's foot with full force, causing him to scream and jump away from the wall. Unable to hold the wall, Butch is forced to bring it crashing down...directly on his fingers. He lets out a terrible scream, but it's not over yet. Jerry still has the hammer, and with delightful glee, he crushes Butch's fingertips to the tune of Yankee Doodle, delivering to the last digit a Sickening "Crunch!". Butch screams again and yanks his poor fingers out. As he surveys the damage, we get a close-up as his fingertips swell like giant red balloons, culminating with his claws popping back to release a huge load of steam, letting out an appropriate steam whistle-like toot as they do. Another small one in this episode is the stylistic way that Tom and Butch chase after Jerry after trying to gas him out of his hole. The simplistic, almost lackadaisical animation here coined with the scurrying music is just classic comedy done in a light and fun way.
  • In The Missing Mouse Jerry switches places with an experimental white mouse that could explode from the slightest jar. Tom realizing he's been tricked and the shock of holding the real dangerous mouse, causes him to age rapidly into a feeble, trembling old man.
  • Pet Peeve:
    • Tom and Spike are Big Eaters who cause financial problems to their master. After failing to catch Jerry (Tom and Spike are competing because if one of them brings Jerry to their master, then the other will get kicked out), they aren't allowed in the house anymore. Their master tells them to take what's theirs and get out of the house, and Tom and Spike do it. They take the fridge and leave the house shortly after, leaving their master screaming angrily behind.
    • Earlier, Spike captures Jerry. Tom becomes sad, makes a Bindle Stick, shakes Spike's free hand, gives Spike the bindle, shakes his other hand, taking Jerry and takes Spike to the door. When Spike realizes he's been had, his head briefly turns into that of a jackass.
  • Quiet Please!:
    • To show he's a nervous wreck, Spike pulls on his tongue, causing his ears to bang together.
    • "Please, chum, take it easy. Lay off the noise, huh? 'Cause if I hear one more sound, I'M GONNA SKIN YA ALIVE!!!"
    • A cornered Jerry gives Tom his last will and testament, giving Tom his only possession: "One custard pie? Let me have it!" SPLUT! And remember, Thomas, YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!
    • Tom is about to hit Jerry with a hammer when Jerry presents him with a much bigger mallet. Tom takes the mallet, but then Jerry takes the hammer and smashes Tom's foot with it.
  • Just Ducky:
    • Tom smashes into a shovel that Jerry moved and his head turns into a shovelhead.
    • Tom inflating Jerry by blowing through a straw, only for Jerry to inflate Tom's head in return before Quacker pops Tom's head with a safety pin.
    • Not much later in the cartoon, Jerry throws a brick at Tom, breaking him like glass.
  • "Thomas, you no-good cat, attacking from the rear, huh?"
  • "Baby Butch":
    • Butch pretends to be a baby, talking in baby talk as he does so, but when Tom puts a baby bottle in his mouth, he spits out the milk in shock and exclaims, "Milk!?"
    • To make it even funnier, Butch had tried to filch a milk bottle earlier in the cartoon.
    • Also the moment when Tom tries to burp Butch. Eventually Butch relents and literally says (in an annoyed tone): "Burp."
  • Muscle Beach Tom has several.
    • You get Tom and Butch battling over the heart of Tom's attractive date at the beach. Aiming to one-up the other, the two have a weightlifting contest, but Butch gets to a barbell he cannot lift. Tom BARELY manages to lift it, but it is so heavy he falls sideways to the ground, and the barbell flattens him between them. Butch eventually defeats Tom, but Tom is so determined to win his girlfriend back that he takes some helium balloons and stuffs them down his bathing suit, having to tie an anchor around his waist to keep from floating away. But it pays off and he knocks Butch out, burying him under the sand.
    • Tom also gets into scuffles with Jerry at the same time. When Jerry firstly attacks Tom, Tom blows Jerry up into a balloon and lets Jerry go to whoosh off into the sky. It Goes Horribly Wrong in the end though; after Tom wins his girlfriend back, Jerry ruins his celebrations, inflating Tom's suit (full of balloons) into one big balloon and pricking it to send Tom floating away into the distance just as Jerry did.
  • Baby Puss has Jerry hiding from Tom in a dollhouse. Tom then peeks in through the window and catches Jerry in the bath. Cue Jerry covering himself up (never mind the fact that he's always naked in the first place), giving the girliest scream imaginable with the wackiest face imaginable and hitting Tom repeatedly with a brush.
  • Saturday Evening Puss:
    • Jerry being kept awake by Tom and his fellow cats partying. He actually goes out to shout and exclaim furiously in full sentences for them to stop playing. Yet, his voice appears too muffled for it to be heard because of the piano being played.
    • If you found the music very catchy to listen to, watching Jerry's face morph to the musical instruments being played makes the whole scene just hilarious.
    • When Mammy Two-Shoes arrives shouting "Thomas!" Tom's immediate reaction is to slam the broken door shut and run for his life along with his friends! Only to to unceremoniously be kicked out into the streets.
      • Mammy is pointing accusingly at Tom when he slams the door, after which the arm is left sticking thorugh it.
    • Even more hilarious is when after driving Tom's gang out of the house, Mammy Two-Shoes decides to listen to some "soft, soothing... hot music!", continuing Jerry's misery.
  • Mouse Trouble:
    • Tom's hideous, bright red toupee.
    • Beforehand, there's also Tom's snare trap for Jerry, due to the utter ludicrosity of it. Besides the fact that Tom managed to utilize the largest tree in the area, Jerry sees the rope for it immediately and replaces the bait cheese with a bowl of milk. After Tom notices, he lunges for it, laps it up, and promptly gets pulled straight out the window, where we see him being wildly pulled about by the tree.
    • In order to lure Jerry into a trap and crush him between the book's pages, Tom pretends to laugh hysterically while reading said book. If that wasn't funny enough, Jerry later pulls a similar trick on Tom and the cat falls for it. Instead of getting crushed, Jerry is completely fine and pretends to hide something in his fist. When Tom wants to see what the mouse is hiding, Jerry punches him in the eye.
  • Proto-Spike's utter thrashing in Dog Trouble is grand enough (see the "Awesome" page for details), but when you pause to see all the carnage, one wine glass can be seen, standing perfectly upright, completely unscathed. It's almost as if Spike noticed it too, because he picks up a piece of wood and immediately breaks it, even whilst being scolded by his owner.
  • "Little Quacker" has Jerry and Quacker hiding from Tom inside a tire. Tom tries to get them out by swinging a sledgehammer at the tire, only for it to bounce off and hit him in the face. What bumps the scene up from "amusing" to "hilarious" is the way the dazed Tom gently places the hammer on the ground before toppling over backwards.
  • Tom cursing at the end of "Designs on Jerry" after his mousetrap backfires and he ends up being smushed into a cube... only for trumpet noises to block what he's saying.
  • Tom's Slasher Smile when he's about to get a little revenge on Jerry and Quacker in "Vanishing Duck".
  • Butch mockingly imitating Spike's barking in "Smarty Cat" while leaning on an angry Spike. It takes him about ten seconds of "bow wow"s and two backwards glances before he realizes who's right behind him, at which point we get 15 seconds of his barks getting meeker and squeakier in response before all hell breaks loose.
  • In "The Dog House", Spike tries in vain to keep his dream doghouse from being wrecked by Tom's shenanigans. At one point, Spike (re)builds his doghouse in a tree, hoping that it will be safe up there. Alas, Tom catches Jerry climbing the tree and proceeds to chop it down with an axe. Resigned to the inevitable, Spike grudgingly leans back against his doghouse and mutters "Timber" as they fall down with the tree
  • "Pecos Pest":
    • Jerry's uncle Pecos stops by for a visit before a scheduled television appearance; first of all, Pecos's mere appearance is hilarious with an oversized ten-gallon hat and a giant mustache that hides his mouth most of the time, flapping about whenever he says anything.
    • Then he rehearses the song he's due to perform, which is a stuttering rendition of "Froggy Went A-Courtin'". His failure to keep his words together makes the song utterly hysterical to listen to, particularly when he can't spit out "hickory tree", and instead opts for the even more clumsy "eucalyptus tree".
    • The cartoon is built around the Running Gag of Pecos plucking out one of Tom's whiskers to replace his guitar strings. In the end, Pecos is on TV playing, and his guitar string breaks. Tom laughs at this turn of events... and then Pecos reaches through the screen and plucks out Tom's one remaining whisker.
  • Although the highlight of "Triplet Trouble" is the third act Moment of Awesome as Tom and Jerry team up to get revenge on the three hell-raising kittens who have tormented them in the first two acts, the short finds moments for humour as well. A particular highlight is the gradual shift in Jerry's reaction to the kittens' torture of Tom in the first act; after splitting his sides laughing while the kittens hide from an enraged Tom, Jerry assumes they're up for more hijinks and points them in Tom's direction - then notices they're now looking malevolently at him. We can practically hear his facial expressions and body language saying "Ha ha, it was so funny how you... and then you... you... are gonna kill me, aren't you?" before the inevitable "Oh, Crap!" look and Loud Gulp.
  • Spike threatening Tom away from Jerry in "The Bodyguard", all while spluttering in the poor cat's face.

    Spike: Listen, PUSSYCAT! If anything happens to me PAL, I'll POKE ya in the PUSS! I'll PULVERIZE ya! I'll POUND ya to PIECES! That's what I'll do! POUND ya to PIECES! Like this!
    (Spike squashes Tom into an accordion)

  • The Hell-Spike in Heavenly Puss, when he's not being horrifying. When he appears to goad Tom on, his lines and facial expressions are hilarious.

    Hell-Spike: That a boy, Tom! Hit him and let's go! Come on!

    Gene Deitch

  • "The Tom & Jerry Cartoon Kit":

    Narrator: Anyone can now enter the lucrative field of animated cartoons with the new Tom and Jerry Cartoon Kit. This kit contains everything needed for quiet, sophisticated humor: One mean, stupid cat; one sweet, lovable mouse; and assorted deadly weapons. The coffee and cigarettes are for the cartoonists.

    • One of the "assorted deadly weapons" is a slice of watermelon.
    • Apparently (Tom) learning Judo involves entering a Judo School out of nowhere and has the building hilariously shakes around, with matching music!
  • "Switchin' Kitten" has, in one scene, due to the setting where a mad scientist switching brains of various animals, has Tom chasing Jerry and then finding out Jerry's brain has been switched into a lion's, and Jerry roars with the same sound as the MGM lion, complete with the "Ars Gratia Artis" ribbon temporarily surrounding his mouse hole.
  • "Down and Outing":
    • Jerry uses the first aid kid to disguise Tom's ill-tempered master's shoe as a mouse, leading Tom to attack it. The master screams in pain, and Tom realizes what he just did and tries to flee, but he doesn't get far enough away from his enraged master before the latter casts his fishing rod at the fugitive cat and reels him in to give him what for, which all happens offscreen.
    • Near the end, Tom, seeming back in his master's good graces, catches Jerry in the boat, but pumps him out into the water. In retaliation, the mouse attaches the cat's fishing hook to the master's shoe, then pulls on Tom's line, tricking him into thinking he's caught a fish. Tom eagerly pulls in his line to see that he's caught... his again-fuming master. Another offscreen thrashing follows, which must be pretty painful, given Jerry's grimace at this sight.
  • "Landing Stripling": The gag where Tom scalds himself in hot water and butt-bounces around the lawn.
  • "Tall in the Trap"
    • The town sheriff wears a hilariously misspelled badge that says "Shairf" because that's what his title sounds like in the heavy accent of the characters.
    • The sheriff brings in "the fastest trap in the west" to deal with Jerry, who turns out to be Tom, who arrives in town by roller-skating on a pair of spurs.
    • Tom tries to showcase his skill by pulling out a trap out of one of his holsters... which promptly slams shut on his fingers.
  • "Carmen Get It!": Jerry uses ants to act as musical notes, which constantly changes whenever Tom plays. Also counts as a Moment of Awesome as Tom manages to keep everything on note.
    • Prior to that, Jerry is crawling around on the conductor's back inside his suit, and the conductor starts dancing hilariously, making the orchestra play a rhythmic jazz tune.

    Sib Tower 12

  • The end of the Chuck Jones short "Of Feline Bondage". Jerry menaces Tom with an invisibility potion and a pair of scissors, and Tom eventually gets shaved down to Goofy Print Underwear. Jerry laughs at him... until the potion wears off. Tom grabs Jerry and shaves him down to a Fur Bikini. Tom laughs... then Jerry laughs at himself as well. He even jokingly poses for Tom, drawing a joking Wolf Whistle. The cartoon ends with both rolling on the floor laughing.
  • In Is There a Doctor in the Mouse?, Jerry was trying to escape Tom while hiding in a banana. Tom grabs the banana and peels it to reveal Jerry... who gives him a quick peck on the nose. Hilarious and adorable.
    • Jerry's second formula turns him gigantic. As Tom looks up to see giant Jerry sadistically raising his eyebrows and waving down at him, Tom goes Laughing Mad. His hysterics start to breakdown into uncontrollable sobs and tears, knowing what this means for him.
  • In The Cat's Me-Ouch, upon discovering that Tom has captured Jerry, the dog charges toward Tom, who then shuts the door, which proves to be ineffectual when the dog knocks the door over crushing Tom. This results in him and Tom flipping the door across the floor on top of each other with Tom exclaiming, "AHA!" each time he's on top before they reach the wall and continue flipping it over until it ends with Tom ending up on the outside as the dog closes the door on Tom, who exclaims, "AHA!" again until he realizes what happened.
    • Jerry gleefully opening the giant box the dog was sent in (as Tom cringes in fear)... only to find he's got a bulldog scaled to *his* size. Along with his disappointment the dog has an absolutely adorable "I have just met you and I love you" expression.
  • One scene in "Tom-ic Energy" has Tom jump out of a window screaming in front of Jerry, to the point of killing him. Tom then laughs at this event... only to get the color scared off of him and age when Jerry's ghost comes screaming through the window at Tom before returning to its body. Pure hilarity was made in that scene.
  • In The Un-Shrinkable Jerry Mouse, Tom tries at one point to break down a door by charging at it. Jerry opens the door and puts a banana peel in his path. Contrary to expectations, Tom actually makes a flying leap over the peel while sticking his tongue out at Jerry. Then he lands on a roller skate, presumably also placed by Jerry, and manages an Aside Glance while pushing his tongue back into his mouth before he goes careening into the basement. Finally, he charges back up the stairs at Jerry only to step on the banana peel anyway.
  • "The A-Tom-Inable Snowman":
    • Tom keeps getting knocked unconscious, and has to be repeatedly revived by a kindly Saint Bernard who lives in a cabin nearby. How does the dog do it? By pouring brandy into Tom's mouth. Seeing Tom getting continuously hammered is a sight to behold.
    • The comically puzzled/confused Aside Glance that the dog casts the audience as he lifts Tom (encased in an ice block) out of the lake. Even funnier in that the Saint Bernard has been the Straight Man of this cartoon up until this point.
  • The titular joke of "Cat and Dupli-Cat" shows Tom and a rival alley cat imitating each other while pursuing Jerry in the alleys of Venice as if they were looking into a mirror. It ends with Jerry falling into a vat of alcohol and climbing out drunk. He then ties the two cats together on a post by their whiskers and tails before stumbling across the docks into the night.
  • In "Purr-Chance to Dream", when trying to keep Jerry's appropriately-sized bulldog away, Tom tests "rebuf" on a random dog taking a stroll. The dog has a freakout, before rocketing away.


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